
2006 Bluebonnet Webliography

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Bloomin’ Bluebonnet

A Webliography


Arranged Alphabetically by Title


by Debra Marshall and Karen Kessel


Irving ISD


The Big House

by Coman, Carolyn. 2004. Illustrated by Rob Shepperson. Ashville, NC: Front Street.


With their parents in prison for embezzlement, Ivy and her younger brother, Ray, must live with the snobby heiress whose accusations sent them “up the river.” Ivy and Ray discover secrets that prompt them to case the joint, get the skinny on what’s really going on, and make plans to spring their parents.




Author’s homepage: http://www.carolyncoman.com/


Author biography: http://www.teenreads.com/authors/au-coman-carolyn.asp


Author interview: http://www.penguinputnam.com/nf/Author/AuthorPage/0,,0_1000007634,00.html


Author viewpoints on character development: http://www.frontstreetbooks.com/all_writers.htm


National Crime Prevention Council official site



Confused, sad, mad, glad? Check out this website to learn about these emotions and many more - and how to deal with them.




This site has extensive classroom discussion questions for rules and roles of family members and friends. Includes lesson plans and activities.



Artists often are inspired by their community to create. This webquest explores the relationship between local surroundings and art. Students study artists' works and then create their own paintings of their community. Terrific!




Dozens of useful photos of various paintings from around the world! A useful reference in an art or history class. Browse through the examples, and then click to enlarge.



Each Little Bird That Sings

by Deborah Wiles. 2005. New York: Gulliver/Harcourt.


For Comfort Snowberger, whose family runs the funeral home in Snapfinger, Mississippi, death is a way of life. But, when her Great Uncle Edisto and then her Great-Great Aunt Florentine die, Comfort comes face to face with “the messy glory of life” accepting and beginning to understand its grief, fear, joy, hope and love.


Author interview: http://institutechildrenslit.com/rx/tr01/wiles.shtml

Author website: http://www.deborahwiles.com/

Author’s book tour journal: http://www.deborahwiles.com/littlebirdtour.htm

Comfort’s Top 10 Tips for Funerals: http://www.deborahwiles.com/tips.htm

Author’s bio and an interview by students: http://www.kidsreads.com/authors/au-wiles-deborah.asp

On Writing Each Little Bird That Sings: http://www.harcourtbooks.com/bookcatalogs/bookpage.asp?isbn=0152051139&option=bonus


Harcourt interview and author biography: http://www.harcourtbooks.com/AuthorInterviews/bookinterview_Wiles.asp



Death: Dealing with Crisis at School Practical Suggestions for Educators.




Pictures of tombs, mausoleums, and memorials.




Wikipedia article about funerals and all its aspects.




Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Dinosaurs

Sabuda, Robert and Matthew Reinhart. Encyclopedia Prehistorica: Dinosaurs. Cambridge, MA: Candlewick. ISBN: 0-7636-2228-1, $26.99.

Beginning with the first dinosaur in the Triassic period and ending with possible reasons for the extinction of dinosaurs 65 million years ago, this intricate paper-engineered volume includes six spreads of dinosaur pop-ups and information.

Sabuda interview: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/writers/writerdetails.asp?userid=gF4TxxMAcV&cid=1022987#interview

Author’s official website: http://www.barnesandnoble.com/writers/writerdetails.asp?userid=gF4TxxMAcV&cid=1022987#interview

Excellent video interview of Robert Subuda http://www.barnesandnoble.com/writers/writers2_cds2.asp?userid=lz5emSdCRy&PID=1304

Bio and activity for some of Sabuda’s books: http://www.fcps.k12.va.us/fairfaxnetwork/mta2005/activityguides/sabuda.pdf

Conversation with Matthew Reinhart: http://www.simonsays.com/content/destination.cfm?sid=33&pid=360692&agid=8


Matthew Reinhart: http://www.walkerbooks.co.uk/Matthew-Reinhart

National Center for Children’s Illustrated Literature: http://www.nccil.org/sabuda.html

Art activity based on Sabuda’s work: http://www.nccil.org/artsabuda.html

Simple pop ups you can make: http://www.robertsabuda.com/popmakesimple.asp


The San Diego Natural History Museum provides dinosaur lovers with plenty of information, games, activities, and fun facts. Offers links to a Jurassic Jumble, Finding Fossils activity, and much more.


Using the Internet, students will find and record information about dinosaurs. Excellent Internet lesson.


Forging the Blade


LaFevers, R. L. 2004. The Forging of the Blade (Lowthar’s Blade Trilogy, Book 1). New York: Dutton. ISBN: 0-525-47349-1, $15.99. Paperback edition: New York: Puffin. ISBN 0-142-40557-4, $5.99.


Evil times fall over the land of Lowthar after the warlord Mordig murders the true King. Then the blacksmiths, including Kendric’s father, vanish. Seeking answers, Kendric begins a quest full of danger, a journey threatened with Mawr hounds lurking in the shadows and grymclaws circling the skies.


Author’s homepage:



Author’s biography:




The favorite links of R.L. LaFevers are collected on this portion of her website. Readers can find links to information on Forests, blacksmithing and sword making, medieval life, falcons, and archery.




Kenric meets the Fey in the Grim Woods, and receives a gift that will help him in his quest. What is a Fey? Wikipedia explains their origin, powers, and other names for these mystical creatures of the forest. Use this website to learn about the other creatures from the book – goblins, Mawr hounds (see Hell Hound), etc.



Another Wikipedia entry that gives history and terminology of swords. There are a number of illustrations and diagrams throughout the article.



Historical European Swordsmanship is becoming a popular type of western martial arts, and this website is the official site of the Aberdeen Swordsmanship Group. The purpose of this site is to inform people about a new martial arts group in the Aberdeen, UK, to study swordsmanship. History of the art, and links to other clubs and informational sites is included.


On his quest, Kenric carries a nail from his father’s forge This lesson plan about blacksmiths in the early 18th century includes a piece on the importance of nails to the people of the time.



Ghost Fever/Mal de Fantasma


Hayes, Joe. 2004. Ghost Fever/Mal de Fantasma. Illustrated by Mona Pennypacker. El Paso: Cinco Puntos. ISBN: 0-938317-83-0, $14.95.


Set in the railroad town of Duston, Arizona, this dual language story begins when Frank Padilla and his two daughters move into a rundown house rumored to be haunted. There, fourteen-year-old Elena learns the truth as she and her abuleta to try and solve an old, supernatural mystery.


Author’s homepage: (none found)


Author’s biography:





If your students love tales of ghosts and haunting, if they continually ask you for scary stories, lead them to this website of folktales about ghosts, hauntings, monsters, and the supernatural. Indexed in the Marco Polo site, this web page from the American Folklore website, contains links to a collection of spooky folk stories. The tales are grouped into subcategories such as ghost stories and supernatural happenings. Each story's page features the name of the U.S. state from which it came, as well as a link to folktales from other states. The bottom of this page includes links to additional folktales.



The history of Halloween is presented in this spooky site from The History Channel. Ghost stories, historic haunts, cut outs, and recipes are included in this Halloween website ideal for celebrating this ghoulish holiday.



This personal website offers a collection of paranormal photographs contributed by individuals from around the world. The author admits that some of the photos have been proven to be fake, but some are claimed to be genuine. Let your readers decide.



Read about haunted houses, and ghost towns found all over the United States. Personal narratives are included, as well as many photographs, and some recordings of ghosts speaking. The reader can also read about movies with ghostly characters and plots. The site is searchable by state, or by clicking on live links in photographs of haunted houses, and the names of the houses.



The Giant Rat of Sumatra or Pirates Galore


Fleischman, Sid. The Giant Rat of Sumatra or Pirates Galore. New York: Greenwillow. Library Edition ISBN: 0-06-074239-9, $16.89; Trade Edition ISBN: 0-06-074238-0, $15.99. Paperback edition (July 2006). New York: HarperTrophy. ISBN: 0-06-0742-40-2, $5.99.


“Shipwreck,” a twelve-year-old cabin boy, narrates a swash-buckling adventure containing an abundance of plot dualities, twists, and turns. His breezy narrative takes readers into the waning days of Mexican rule in California and a high-spirited romp of revenge, romance, and rivalry.


Author’s Homepage:



Author’s Biography:




Want to know more about rats, or print out a diagram of a rat with all his glorious body parts? Access this page from Enchanted Learning and learn about this rodent who is the symbol of the band of pirates in The Giant Rat of Sumatra.



Fascinating site all about pirates! Find out everything: did they keep parrots, did they have peg legs? Also find a history and biographies of famous pirates.



National Geographic for Kids offers a great overview of the English pirate, Blackbeard. Learn all about Blackbeard's two year "reign of fear," attacks on passenger and cargo ships.



Pirates used many types of ships, anywhere from a small sloop to a large warship, but the most popular ships were the ones with the greatest speed so that they could catch a potential target. This fact-filled site gives an overview about all types of pirate ships, most linked to photographs of the ships. Also included is a listing of the crew members and their jobs on the ship.



For a history of San Diego just prior to and during the Mexican-American War, read through this site from San Diego State University.



Think pirates are only from the olden days? Read this current news article from CNN detailing the capture of a pirate ship by the US Navy off the coast of Somalia. How are these modern-day pirates like/unlike the pirates from The Giant Rat of Sumatra: or Pirates Galore!?



This informative site about pirate ships offers a detailed diagram of the parts and areas of the ship.




Good Dog

Gottfried, Maya. 2005. Good Dog. Illustrated by Robert Rahway Zakanitch. New York: Knopf. ISBN: 0-375-83049-9, $15.95.

This picture book collection of free-verse poetry includes poems written in the distinctive voices of various dog breeds. Full-page painted portraits of the canines and smaller preliminary pencil sketches accompany the verses.


Publisher’s catalog entry, description, and brief author bio


Arkansas State University student’s review of book


San Francisco Chronicle article titled CHILDREN'S SUMMER READING

Move over, Rover -- baby's here


Lots of information about the responsibility of owning a dog: acquiring a new dog, nutrition and care, grooming, training, and diseases.


ASPCA sponsored website—If you want to know more about how to care for dogs, visit this web page. Be sure to watch the cartoons on dog training and cleaning.


American Kennel Club homepage provides basic information for different breeds on general appearance, size, proportion, temperament, history, and more.


30 days of poetry activities aimed for high school students but good for middle and elementary students, too.


Interactive poetry site that allows students to create own poetry.


Word play interactive site of poems to make, watch, or hear.


This site features information on a poetry workshop where students learn to "grow their poetry." The ideas are well summarized and easy to follow.


In Your Face: The Facts About Your Features

Jackson, Donna M. 2004. In Your Face: The Facts About Your Features. New York: Viking. ISBN: 0-670-03657-9, $17.99.

Readers are encouraged to undertake a closer examination of a familiar part of their anatomy in this logical, cumulative study. A wide variety of topics (from face decorating to reconstruction) are introduced in text that blends scientific inquiry with social and cultural issues.

Author’s website: http://www.donnamjackson.net/

Author’s biography: http://www.donnamjackson.net/html/biography.html

Pencil portrait drawing how-to, facial puzzles: http://www.artyfactory.com/portraits/index.htm


Video of a robot showing different facial expressions: http://www.ai.mit.edu/projects/sociable/movies/expression-examples.mov

American Museum of Natural History:



Website written by woman with prosopagnosia to try to give the reader a better understanding for what it can be like to live with prosopagnosia.


The galleries of the University of Pennsylvania Museum, some of it dating as far back as the 9th century B.C., showing body modifications are at this website.



Christian based organization which surgically corrects facial deformities in children and adults.



George Tamihana Nuku is a striking and enthusiastic spokesman of re-emerging pride among many indigenous cultures around the world. His elaborate facial tattoo, or moko, distinctively identifies him as a Maori tribesman—a man, that is, whose very identity is inextricably tied to his ancestors and their centuries-old traditions. This article from National Geographic details the traditions and meanings of the tattoos from this ancient tribe.


The Lightning Thief

Riordan, Rick. 2005. The Lightning Thief (Percy Jackson & The Olympians, Book 1). New York: Hyperion. ISBN: 0-7868-5629-7, $17.95. Audio Cassette, Listening Library (2005), ISBN: 0-307-24528-4, $28.00. Audio CD, Listening Library (2005), ISBN: 0-307-24530-6, $40.00

Percy Jackson has just found out that not only is he the son of an Olympic god, but he is the prime suspect in the mystery surrounding Zeus’s stolen lightning bolt. Join Percy and his friends as they battle the gods and monsters of Mount Olympus in modern day America.


Publisher’s webpage for title:


Plot summary, Greek mythology, discussion questions, classroom activities, about the author and reference resources


Author’s bio: http://hyperionbooksforchildren.com/authors/displayAI.asp?id=371&ai=a


Author’s homepage: http://www.rickriordan.com/


Rick’s blog: http://rickriordan.blogspot.com/


Online interview with author: http://www.rickriordan.com/onlineinterview.htm



A resource for both Greek and foreign scholars interested in Greek children's literature and its research.



Fabulous Fun with the Greek Myths—take a class voyage into the world of the Greek mythology's rich and powerful stories.



A Greek mythology site geared towards younger students. Primary school students' work "is featured throughout in the form of pictures and writing." A large amount of information is available through the menu on the left side of the screen; however, the main screen of the page is a bit small, which makes viewing somewhat difficult.



Great looking, highly interactive site from the Australian Broadcasting Corporation about Greek mythology. Flash (high-speed) and html (slower speed) versions available- flash version recommended! Watch short cartoons of mythological stories, play interactive games, create "make and do" crafts, read a "who's who" directory of mythological figures and a more academic "history" section, and even ask the Oracle a question in this rich site. It even includes a "goodies" section with myth logically themed desktop graphics, e-cards, and screensavers!


Magician’s Boy


Cooper, Susan. 2005. The Magician’s Boy. Illustrated by Serena Riglietti. New York: McElderry Books. ISBN: 0-689-87622-X, $14.95. Paperback edition (May 2006); New York: Aladdin. ISBN: 1-4169-1555-7, $6.99.


When a magician’s apprentice loses the puppet of Saint George, his master forces him to search for it in the Land of Story. The boy’s quest through well-known nursery rhymes and folk tales, leads him to face many challenges and narrowly escape with his life.


Author’s Homepage:



Author’s Biography:




Lengthy biography of Saint George, including a complete list of patronage causes, a link to a gallery of images, and his Novena.



Biography of Saint George from the Catholic Online website.



This is a comprehensive website of children’s nursery rhymes, songs and poetry. Most of the rhymes are illustrated and accompanied with a Real Player recording of the rhyme.



Enchanted Learning presents a site that includes various nursery rhymes in rebus format. There is also a link to a collection of nursery rhymes that can be printed and colored.



Enter the world of dragons as chronicled by Dr. Ernest Drake, eminent Victorian Dragon Master. This interactive website coincides with the popular book, Dragonology. There are links to other dragon sites on the web.



The National Gallery of Art in Washington, D.C. has created an interactive online site that guides readers through the details of Rogier van der Weyden’s painting of “Saint George and the Dragon”. The story behind this tiny painting is told through activities such as “seek and find” tiny details in the painting, and thinking questions such as “Why do you think the artist chose to paint his picture so small?” A culminating activity invites readers to choose another symbolic animal and create a work of art that includes the animal and the symbolism he denotes.


Mosquito Bite


Siy, Alexandra & Dennis Kunkel. 2005. Mosquito Bite. Watertown, MA: Charlesbridge. ISBN: 1-57091-591-1, $15.95. Paper Edition, Charlesbridge (2006), ISBN: 1-507091-592-X, $6.99.


Here’s a mosquito, up close and personal. “Bordered with scales, her wings whine, beating about 500 times in one second.” And she’s coming closer, showing (through photomicrographs) readers why and how she bites unsuspecting humans.


Author’s homepage:

http://www. alexandrasiy.com/



Author biography:




The book contains the following suggested websites in the Resources section:

http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dvbid/westnile (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)

http://www.microscopy.fsu.edu (Florida State University)

http://www.mse.iastate.edu/microscopy/home.html (Iowa State University)

http://www.nikonsmallworld.com (Nikon International Small World Competition)



A detailed diagram of the Anopheles mosquito begins this page of information about this animal, how it feeds on its prey, its lifecycle, and the diseases it can carry. There is also a link to a diagram of the mosquito life cycle.



This page presents video clips of various mosquito behaviors. See larvae emerge from the egg, a female mosquito filling her abdomen with blood from her victim, an adult mosquito emerging from the pupa stage, and inserting proboscis into a host.



Take a close-up look at mosquitoes -- how they breed, how they bite, what diseases they carry and what you can do to control them in this article from “How Stuff Works”.



“Hey! A Mosquito Bit Me!” is the title of this timely article for kids. Find out what a mosquito is, what a mosquito bite looks and feels like, what you should do if you get bitten, when to call the doctor, and how you can avoid the little carnivore’s bites. This page is from the Science NetLinks-reviewed KidsHealth Web site.


The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy

Birdsall, Jeanne. 2005. The Penderwicks: A Summer Tale of Four Sisters, Two Rabbits, and a Very Interesting Boy. New York: Knopf. ISBN: 0-375-83143-6, $15.95. Compact unabridged disk, Listening Library. ISBN: 0-307-28451-4, $39.00. Unabridged Audio Download, Listening Library. ISBN 0-307-28452-2, $17.50.

While vacationing with their father at a summer cottage in the Berkshires, the four very different Penderwick sisters, along with the son of the estate’s snooty owner, encounter numerous adventures.


Audio interview from All Things Considered, November 19, 2005, host Debbie Elliott talks with author Jeanne Birdsall, the winner of this year's National Book Award for Young People's Literature.


National Book Award 2005 acceptance speech with photos.



Jeanne Birdsall has received scores of great reviews for her debut children's novel, The Penderwicks. But her favorite comes from a third-grader who wrote, "This book is about being a good listener even if you are a grown-up." She says her secret is listening like a kid. Read the interview of this new author.



Author’s interview with Washington Post.



A complete site of rabbit information. The anatomy, diet, and habitat is covered. In addition, links are provided to a rabbit quiz with answers and a rabbit themed unit.



A complete site that delves into the physical characteristics of rabbits, diet, and the type of environment needed for this popular pet to survive in your home.



The Penderwick sisters embark on a summer holiday to the Berkshires. Use the AAA Trip Planning section to plan your own summer holiday.



Learn all about the area of the United States known as the Berkshires. This website is a complete guide of where to stay, what to see and do, a calendar of events, dining opportunities, and kid-friendly activities.




Project Mulberry


Park, Linda Sue. 2005. Project Mulberry. New York: Clarion. ISBN: 0-618-47786-1, $16.00. Audio Cassette, Listening Library (2005), ISBN: 0-307-24533-0, $18.00. Audio CD, Listening Library (2005), ISBN: 0-307-24534-9, $28.00

Julia Song, who wishes to downplay her Korean background, is hesitant to raise silkworms for a school science project because she thinks it’s too Korean. But soon she and her best friend, Patrick, learn much about silkworms and themselves.

Author’s official website: http://www.lindasuepark.com/bio.html


The diary kept by Ed Park, Linda Sue Park’s father, about his experience raising silkworms.


Free wikipedia article on author—may be added to by students.



Webcam of 2005 National Book Festival speech by Linda Sue Park.


Publisher’s author biography


Chicago Public Schools student site, includes a project and photographs of silk pictures.


A PBS Nature website that has interactive insect puzzle, video clip, and information on silkworms.


A comprehensive site which contains lesson plans, information sheets, instruction sheets to aid in keeping insects and a bibliography.


This website from Curriculum Corporation provides a link to a virtual tour of Korea. Also, learn some Korean words and numbers among other activities.


Facts and map of Republic of Korea.


Sixteen Years in Sixteen Seconds: The Sammy Lee Story

Yoo, Paula. 2005. Sixteen Years in Sixteen Seconds: The Sammy Lee Story. New York: Lee & Low. ISBN: 1-58430-247-X, $16.95.

Both text and sepia-toned illustrations capture the time period and struggles of Sammy Lee, the first Asian American to win an Olympic gold medal in 1948. This biography relates how one man overcame formidable odds in following his dream without disrespecting his father.

Booktalk with author: http://www.leeandlow.com/booktalk/yoo.html

NPR excerpt: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=4723009


Asians in America website article with photos of Sammy Lee.



Wikipedia entry for Dr. Sammy Lee.


Oral history of Dr.Sammy Lee.



Site with links to the BEST Olympic websites.


Students can compare the ancient Olympics with modern day.



Keep the spirit of the Games alive in your classroom with cross-curricular Olympic-themed lesson plans. Official USOC-approved Olympic-themed lesson plans developed by Griffin Publishing Group.



Learn about sports and activities you can participate in to get in shape and have fun. Click on the name of a specific sport and read an "activity card" with information on sports gear, safety, and more.



Learn how to do a back flip and more from the links on this page.



So B. It


Weeks, Sarah. 2004. So B. It: A Novel. New York: HarperCollins. ISBN 0-06-623622-3, $15.99. Paper Edition, HarperTrophy (2005) ISBN: 0-06-441047-1, $6.99. Audio CD, HarperChildrens Audio (2004), ISBN: 0-06-075481-8, $25.95.


For twelve years Heidi has lived a sheltered life, home schooled by her agoraphobic neighbor and caring for her mentally retarded mother, So B. It. But with a newly discovered photograph, Heidi begins a cross-country quest to learn the truth about her mother and her own background.


Author’s Homepage:



Author’s Biography:




Medline’s definition of agoraphobia, symptoms, and treatment for this debilitating mental disease.



The Arc of Texas is the oldest and largest nonprofit, volunteer organization in the state committed to creating opportunities for people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities to be included in their communities. The Arc supports families, advances public policies, provides training programs, and builds a statewide network of advocates.



A publication of the National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities, this site provides information about what mental retardation is and what causes it, offers tips for parents and teachers, lists organizations, and resources helpful to understanding and coping with mental retardation.



Plan a bus trip to another state like Heidi did when she went to discover her family background. Use the Greyhound site to find fare information, bus schedules, particular accommodations and rules for traveling children, and general information about traveling by bus.



Want to know more about Heidi’s hometown, Reno, Nevada? Visit the City of Reno’s official website visitor’s page. You’ll find out about the area climate, how to get around in Reno, outdoor activities, art and other cultural events, and other entertainment opportunities.



Heidi’s luck with slot machines gives her the money she needs to make her journey. What is a slot machine and how does it work? Research the answers to these questions and more from the “How Stuff Works” website entry for slot machines.


The SOS File

Byars, Betsy, Betsy Duffey, and Laurie Myers. 2004. The SOS File. Illustrated by Arthur Howard. New York: Henry Holt. ISBN: 0-8050-6888-0, $15.95.

Mr. Magro invites his students to write about the biggest emergency in their lives. From riding in a go-cart out of control, to being the last at-bat when you need a run to win, each essay interprets “emergency” differently.

Author’s (Byars) website: http://www.betsybyars.com/

Author’s (Byars) autobiography written in cartoon form: http://www.betsybyars.com/auto.html

Author’s (Byars) bio: http://www.edupaperback.org/showauth.cfm?authid=19


What type of books does Betsy Byars' write? Explore this website to learn more about this author and her works. Students and teachers will benefit from this educational resource.

Betsy Byars, Author Study: http://www.carolhurst.com/authors/byars.html

Teacher resource file: http://falcon.jmu.edu/~ramseyil/byars.htm

Betsy Duffey’s bio: http://us.penguingroup.com/nf/Author/AuthorPage/0,,0_1000009601,00.html

Laurie Myers’s website: http://www.lauriemyers.com/


FREE federal resources for educational excellence—This site, a collaboration of 30 Federal agencies, provides access to hundreds of federally supported education resources. The materials are helpful to parents, students, and teachers in all grade levels.


Students and teachers can use this site to find detailed information on effective and creative story writing.


The best way to write is to write! Here are a variety of writing prompts for grades 1-12. A valuable resource.


Extensive site details the components of effective writing. Includes examples and graphic organizers as well as learning activities.


Sure as Sunrise


McGill, Alice. 2004. Sure As Sunrise: Stories of Bruh Rabbit & His Walkin’ Talkin’ Friends. Illustrated by Don Tate. New York: Houghton Mifflin. ISBN: 0-618-21196-9, $17.00.


Drawing on her North Carolina heritage, storyteller McGill retells five Bruh Rabbit tales, including the well-known “Please Don’t Fling Me in the Briar Patch” and less familiar selections such as “Looking to Get Married.” Brief introductions and notes accompany each story.


Author’s homepage:



Author’s biography:




Br’er Rabbit is the fictional hero of the Uncle Remus stories based on African-American folktales popular in the southern United States. This entry gives a fairly complete history of Br’er Rabbit, including the meaning “Br’er”, what the rabbit represents in the tales, and that Robert Roosevelt was the first to write down and publish the stories, and that Joel Chandler Harris popularized them in the 19th century.



A biography of Joel Chandler Harris, who gained fame a century ago as the writer of children's stories told in dialect by Uncle Remus, a slave who entertained children with American folktales.



From the White House, this is the text of a letter written in 1901 by President Theodore Roosevelt to Joel Chandler Harris about how much he and his children enjoy Harris’ Uncle Remus and Brer Rabbit stories.



For another version of the story of the Tar Baby, access this site as retold by Catharine Farrell from a story retold by Joel Chandler Harris.



Want to know how to say Br’er Rabbit in German, Danish, French, Russian, and eleven other languages? Then follow the link above to find out.



Whichever animal can put up with the mosquitoes swarming around them will be allowed to court Brer Wolf's daughter. Brer Rabbit, in his tricky way, manages to "put up" with the mosquitoes and wins the right to go walking with Brer Wolf's daughter. Text from Wheel Council of Arizona.



Surviving Antarctica: Reality TV 2083


White, Andrea. 2005. Surviving Antarctica: Reality TV 2083. New York: Eos. Library Edition ISBN: 0-06-055455-X, $16.89. Trade Edition ISBN: 0-06-055454-1, $15.99. Paperback edition (November 2006): New York: EOS. ISBN: 0-06-055456-8, $6.99.


In 2083 a new reality television show debuts. It’s called Historical Survivor and simulates Robert F. Scott’s 1912 expedition to Antarctica. Each contestant who finishes receives a cash prize. In this story five fourteen year old participants embark on the dangerous, but exhilarating journey but there are adults who play a role in their voyage.


Author’s homepage:



Author biography: http://www.harpercollins.com/global_scripts/product_catalog/author_xml.asp?authorid=26088

This website offers lesson plans, each complete with a science experiment that is designed to teach students about specific adaptations needed to survive in Antarctica. Topics include: temperature, insulation, time zone, and solar energy. The lessons were prepared by Thomas C. Spencer, Engineering Program Instructor, Chesapeake Center for Science and Technology.



From National Geographic Kids, this site gives an overview of the routes taken by Roald Amundsen and Robert Scott in their race to the South Pole. Recounts the major events of the expeditions and the demise of Scott.



The Center for Astrophysical Research in Antarctica takes you to New Zealand, McMurdo Station, and the Amundsen-Scott South Pole Research Station, all part of a virtual tour of Antarctica. Lots of pictures and a relaxed style help to make this a fun and interesting trip.



This section of the Enchanted Learning site focuses on . Learn some amazing facts about the coolest place in Earth. Explore a map and read about the geography, science animals, and explorers. You can even learn some jokes about Antarctica. There is a quiz included.



Paul Ward, a marine biologist who spent two years in Antarctica created this multi-level website using his photographs and memoirs of the experience. Sections include history and a fact file, information about animal life, and travel information to the continent.



The Toughest Cowboy


Frank, John. 2004. The Toughest Cowboy. Illustrated by Zachary Pullen. New York: Simon & Schuster. ISBN: 0-689-83461-6, $17.95.


Grizz Brickbottom and his gang of cattle rustlers need some companionship and a little civilizing. The solution: Foofy the miniature poodle who takes a bunch of rough, dirty cowboys and turn them into good, clean businessmen.


Author’s homepage: (None found)


Author’s biography:




From the Kansas Reading Association, this offers a complete lesson plan for introducing and reading of The Toughest Cowboy.



The Diamond R Ranch website is the children’s section of the National Cowboy Museum. Slideshows of the museum’s exhibits, paintings and sculptures give an introduction to the contents of the museum located in Oklahoma City, OK. Browsers can also click on a link to cowboy songs. The Printables section offers a puzzle, game, coloring pages to download, and a money saving coupon to print if a visit to the museum is planned.



The Texas Cowboy Hall of Fame, located in the Fort Worth Stockyards offers school tours and other educational opportunities. It pays tribute to 58 of the top cowboys and cowgirls of Texas who have excelled in the sports of rodeo and cutting. The Sturquell Wagon collection contains vehicles from the early 20th century and the late 1800s. The John Justin Trail of Fame honors the successful Texas bootmaker.



This site presents a look at the American history of Native Americans, cowboys, cowgirls, guns, lawmen, outlaws, and offers Cowboy poetry, cowboy songs, western recipes, rodeo and western greeting cards.



This is the official website of the Poodle Club of America.



How large are poodles? What color are they? What is the history of the breed, and what are the qualifications of a show poodle? The answers to these questions and more are found in the “poodle page” of the American Kennel Club. Links to breeders and rescue organizations are on the page, as well as a variety of photographs of this dog.




Hill, Elizabeth Starr. 2004. Wildfire! Illustrated by Rob Shepperson. New York: Farrar. ISBN: 0-374-31712-7, $16.00.


Ben and newcomer Elliott don't hit it off when Elliott belittles their Florida town. And the hostility escalates when Elliott adopts the puppy Ben wants so badly and then turns dangerous when he challenges Ben to set off fireworks in the middle of a drought.


Author’s homepage: (Note: Searched FSGkidsbooks.com. She is not listed on their website.)


Author biography: (None found )



From the USDA’s National Forest Service, this is the official Smokey Bear site. Complete with a video clip from the movie, Bambi, this site is designed to teach children about the dangers of wildfires, how to prevent them, and about the people who fight them. “Smokey Kids” section includes games and stories, “Smokey’s Vault” contains imagery and history of Smokey over the last 60 years, and an educator’s section offers free lesson plans downloadable in Adobe Acrobat.



From the creators of the popular “How Stuff Works’ website, this section by Kevin Bonsor details how wildfires work. Chapters include an introduction, fire starters, fueling the flames, impact of wind and rain, fire on the mountain, how blazes are battled, and other valuable information.



This field trip takes you to sites that give you current wildfire news, a map of currently burning U.S. fires, info about careers in firefighting, and wildfire long term ecological impact. Tourists will also learn wildfire vocabulary such as “Bambi bucket”, paracargo, and fire behavior forecast.



Kids learn about home fire safety, smoke alarms, how to escape from a fire, and have the opportunity to play educational games about fire safety such as, word puzzles, color pages, matching game, and how to become a Jr. Fire Marshal. A resources for parents and teachers page offer lesson plans and downloadable graphics.



Wildfire math, what to do for burns, and how to develop a family fire escape plan are included in this colorful easy to read kidspage from FEMA. There are also links to photographs, the USFA kidspage, information for helping pets during disasters, and how to fireproof your home.

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